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f <br />R4-057835 <br />PARCEL 0-A455X <br />EXHIBIT A <br />Being a portion of Lots A and H of Block 42, as shown on the Map of the Town of <br />San Leandro, recorded by Order of the Board of Supervisors, on June 14, 1870, <br />in Book 1 of Maps, at Page 19, Alameda County Records and filed February 27, 1855, <br />in Book 2 of Maps, at Page 43, Alameda County Records, being more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />Commencing at the intersection of the southwestern line of San Leandro Boulevard, <br />formerly Estudillo Street, with the southeastern line of Thornton Street, as said <br />streets are shown on said map; <br />thence along last said line south 630 26' 28" west (the southeastern line of <br />Thornton Street is taken as south 630 26' 28" west for the purposes of this <br />description) 41.00 feet to a point of cusp with a tangent curve, concave to <br />the south, having a radius of 25.00 feet, said point of cusp being the True <br />Point of Beginning; <br />thence northeasterly, easterly and southeasterly along said curve, through a <br />central angle of 90 00' 00", a distance of 39.27 feet to a tangent line, said <br />tangent being drawn parallel with and 16.00 feet southwesterly, measured at <br />right angles, from the said line of San Leandro Boulevard; <br />thence along said parallel line, south 260 33' 32" east, 116.34 feet; <br />thence north 380 19' 56" west, 24.50 feet to a line drawn parallel with and <br />21.00 feet southwesterly, measured at right angles, from the said line of <br />San Leandro Boulevard; <br />thence along last said parallel line, north 260 33' 32" west, 97.36 feet to <br />a tangent curve, concave to the west, having a radius of 20.00 feet; <br />thence northwesterly, westerly and southwesterly along last said curve through <br />a central angle of 90° 00' 00", a distance of 31.42 feet to the True Point of <br />Beginning. <br />Subject to special assessments if any, restrictions, reservations, easements <br />and other matters of record. <br />GRANTEE, for itself, its successors, and assigns, hereby covenants and agrees <br />that the purchase price of the property reflects any disadvantages or adverse <br />conditions that may exist or which may hereafter arise by reason of its <br />proximity to Grantor's rapid transit facilities. Grantee agrees that the <br />purchase price accounts for any claims Grantee may have against Grantor arising <br />out of Grantor's maintenance or operation of its rapid transit facilities. <br />Grantee, its successors and assigns, knowingly accepts any adverse effects <br />attributable to the operation by Grantor of its rapid transit facilities in <br />proximity to said property. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />