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BE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF " <br />84-057835 <br />SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT <br />In the matter of authorizing <br />deed to real property to <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, <br />a body politic and <br />a municipal corporation Resolution No. 3056 <br />(Parcel 0-A455X) / <br />RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA <br />RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT that said Board determines that the disposition of the <br />real property described in the attached died is for the hest intP_Qcts of - <br />the District, and hereby authorizes and approves the execution of the <br />attached deed by the President or Vice President and Secretary or Assistant <br />Secretary of the District on behalf of the District. <br /># # "4 <br />U 1 . T, Y TWItSFFR DUE <br />... -------------- <br />L. DE HEY, CITY C RK <br />CITY OF SAN LEAND <br />SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE <br />I, PHILLIP 0. ORMSBEE, Secretary of the SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA <br />RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true <br />copy of the original resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the <br />SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT DT_ST_^.ICT at its meetir,.o regularly <br />held on the 7th day of July ,1983 , a majority of the members of <br />said Board being present and voting therefor. <br />Dated this /y /-k day of ,1983 . <br />Phillip 0 Ormsbee, Secretary <br />San Francisco Pay Area Rapid Transit District <br />