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Recorded at the request of: <br />City of San Leandro <br />E: 5039 I 92 <br />N0. 77- 17931-28� OCU U <br />RECORDED R. H. WEST, CITY CLERK <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO �r <br />L" <br />1977SEP -7 PM 4: 41 <br />RETURN TO: City Clerk RENE C. utiVIDS0IV <br />City Hall ALAMEDA COUNTY, CA. <br />835 East 14th Street <br />San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />QUIT CLAIM DEED A_)A <br />For value received, SOUTH COUNTY DEVELOPERS, herebv QUIT CLAIM <br />CLAIM to the City of San Leandro all that real property situated <br />in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, <br />described as follows: <br />The real property lying within the rights of way of Washington <br />Avenue and West Estudillo Avenue, adjacent to the following <br />parcels: "PARCEL 1: The southeastern 25 feet of Lot D, Block <br />2, Map of the Town of San Leandro, filed February 27, 1855, <br />recorded June 14, 1870, Map Book 1, page 19, Alameda County <br />Records. PARCEL 2: The northwestern 25 feet of Lot E, Book 2 <br />of the Town of San Leandro, filed February 27, 1855, Map Book 1, <br />page 19, Alameda County Records. PARCEL 3: Portion of Block 2, <br />Map of the Town of San Leandro, filed February 27, 1855, Map <br />Book 1, page 19, Alameda County Records, described as follows: <br />Beginning at the intersection of the southwestern line of Wash- <br />ington Avenue, formerly Watkins Street with the northwestern <br />line of West Estudillo Avenue, formerly Ward street; running <br />thence along said line of Washington Avenue north 280 west 75 <br />feet; thence south 620 west 95 feet; thence south 280 east 75 <br />feet to said line of West Estudillo Avenue; thence along said <br />line of West Estudillo Avenue north 620 east 95 feet to the <br />Beginning." <br />WITNESS these hands this 1st day of July , 1977. <br />SOUTH COUNTY DEVELOPERS <br />ar—d G. Trimble, . , Partner <br />i <br />avid Adler, Partner <br />