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k'Al�t�ltl. 3: 'rho, PorPotuul use for a right of way only of Allj <br />that cerizln <br />parcOl of land bounded and do4cribed a:; follows: <br />at the Qauthw*zt®rn cornar of Parct)/ heroin <br />4nc,cribo4; thenco aouth 00 this eto:;crlp- <br />38, S '. <br />�!° euaLt (the ueink; south <br />0, S3, oa.�t baits "eurued for the3 purpooe or <br />�is <br />tioy �2°nu to ot�tori: boundary line Of that certain rAgIlt <br />Of 747 described in Dood i roar Alice ilacCool , ct al , to A. m—aka and Haris 3r;LSr t, his wire, dated June 1:1, 1J40 sassci rc�cor�:oct .1uiq 10, 1910, lu book 3954 of CG: ficial Recordrz of <br />.f.Isa: d:x county, page Z9, (Recorder's Serieu No. ZW-35545) a <br />distance of 667.92 :act to a point on the southern taezundary <br />1120 of said right of Way; thene c ulont; the said ? An t <br />A04tioned limo north S7" 46' 07" erst 12.00 feet to u point <br />MA the om=tern boundary line of said right Of e�ay; thenc <br />VIcn3 tLn said last nontioned ling nc,rth 0' 38' 53" woato 67.91 <br />f-eet, Pore or le!;E, to a poi:zt on the nouLhorn uouadjtry lirse <br />( Z Ll"(1 I'xrcei 1, herein deacri+,)od; thence along ti.e said la,3t <br />aentlonod li.;e :.youth 870 A.a r 50" 'wout 12.00 feet to the poi:it <br />Of bogi«niL13. <br />19 <br />and <br />IC w1. <br />v <br />