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Junv27, 1977 <br />Air. Martin Rohrke <br />State Board of Equalization <br />P. 0. box 1713 <br />Sacrawento, California 95808 <br />Dear fir; <br />This letter will serve to confirm our recent telephone conversa- <br />tion wherein I indicated the City's desire to eliminate the identification <br />of certain areas on the tax aSSCASment roll for tar. levying purposes. It <br />is the opinion of our office that the annexation of the Washington Manor <br />Corwaunity Servlcez; IUi:;trict, by Ordinance No. 1052 N.S., adopted Play 20, <br />1957, constituteu a werger of that dintrict with the City and a consequent <br />dissolutlou of tlw ul::trlct by upurutlon of low. (I'cu j11 c v. Dowel y COLIntV <br />Water District, 21 Cal. Rptr. 370 [19621; see also, People v._ Bellflower <br />County Oater District, 55 Cal. Rptr. 582 (19661) Please find enclosed a <br />copy of Resolution No. 77-146, adopted May 23. 1977 by the City Council <br />authurizing the Alameda Couaty Auditor, per his requost, to return certain <br />funds remaining in the debt service account of the City due to the coui- <br />plete redemption of outstanding bonded indebtedness of the former Washing- <br />ton L'ianor Community Services District Bond Issue of 1955. Additlonnlly, <br />enclosed is a copy of Resolution No. 77-/ which officially declares <br />the City's intention to eliminate the identification of separate taxing; <br />dlaLrict areas. <br />I trust that this letter and the attached documents meet with <br />your requirements and that your agency may alter your records accordingly. <br />SRM/naj <br />Enclosures <br />Very truly yours, <br />STEVEN R. MEYERS <br />Assistant City Attorney <br />LPN 80 7{- /S4/- �� <br />