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EXHIBIT BBC-Cl <br />Legal Description <br />Area C — Business Center Drive (Relocated Private Street) <br />New Emergency Vehicle Access Easement (E.V.A.E.) to be Dedicated to the Public <br />Across New Parcel A (LLA 2007-261221) of Tract 7382 (269 Maps 89) <br />Real property situated in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, being a <br />portion of "New Parcel A" as described in the Lot Line Adjustment recorded July 17, 2007, Instrument <br />2007-261221, Alameda County Official Records, described as follows: <br />Commencing at the street monument at the intersection of Business Center Place (a private street) and <br />Business Center Drive (a private street), as both are shown on the map of Tract 7382, filed June 13, <br />2003 in Book 269 of Maps at Pages 89 through 94, inclusive, Alameda County Official Records; thence <br />South 18°41'52" East a distance of 300.88 feet to the street monument at the southerly end of Business <br />Center Drive, as shown on said map of Tract 7382; thence North 01°12'48" West a distance of 71.56 <br />feet to the intersection of the northeasterly line of said Business Center Drive and the northwesterly line <br />of New Lot 8 as described in said Lot Line Adjustment; said point being the True Point of Beginning <br />for this description. <br />Thence along the lot line of said New Parcel A, North 71 ° 18'08" East a distance of 12.99 feet; thence <br />continuing along said lot line, South 20°58'55" East a distance of 3.18 feet; thence continuing along <br />said lot line, along a non -tangent curve to the left, from a tangent which bears North 69°01'05" East, <br />having a radius of 40.50 feet, through a central angle of 145°53'40", an arc distance of 103.13 feet; <br />thence continuing along said lot line, along a tangent reverse curve to the right, having a radius of <br />69.50 feet, through a central angle of 58°10'43", an arc distance of 70.57 feet; thence departing said lot <br />Iine, South 18°41'52" East a distance of 130.76 feet to The True Point of Beginning. <br />Containing 3,878 square feet, more or less. <br />LAND `• <br />Center Line Land Surveying, Inc. No. L 7392 <br />October 10, 2007 * Exp: 12-31-07 <br />File: 06-079 <br />/01e0`� <br />