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EXHIBIT 1 <br />Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, described as <br />follows: <br />PARCEL ONE: <br />Beginning at the point of intersection of the Northern line of Davis Street with the Eastern line of <br />Dabner Street, as said streets are shown on the "Map of Dabner's Addition to the Town of San <br />Leandro", filed May 16, 1871, in Map Book 2, Page 22, Alameda County Records; thence from <br />said point of beginning North 28' 00' 00" West along the Eastern line of Dabner Street, 64.00 <br />feet; thence North 62' 00' 00" East, 52.50 feet to the Western line of Lot 1, Block B, as shown on <br />said Map of "Dabner's Addition"; thence North 28' 00' 00" West, along the Western line of said <br />Lot 1, Block B, 41.69 feet to the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 1, Block B; thence North 62' <br />00' 00" East, along the Northern line of said Lot 1, Block B, 52.50 feet to the Eastern line at said <br />"Dabner's Addition"; thence South 28' 00' 00" East, along the Eastern line at said "Dabner's <br />Addition", 21.38 feet; thence North 62' 00' 00" East, 88.55 feet; thence parallel with said Eastern <br />line of "Dabner's Addition" South 28' 00' 00" East, 119.90 feet to the Northern line of Davis <br />Street; thence South 72' 2700" West along the Northern line of Davis Street, 196.80 feet to the <br />point of beginning. <br />PARCEL TWO: <br />A non-exclusive perpetual easement and right of way for ingress and egress of pedestrians and <br />vehicles appurtenant to Parcel One above, as conveyed in the Quitclaim Deed from Mario J. <br />Polvorosa recorded August 2, 1994, Series 94269245, Alameda County Official Records, <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the Northeastern line of Dabner Street distance thereon Northwesterly 64 <br />feet form [sic] the point of intersection thereof with the Northwestern line of Davis Street, as said <br />streets are shown on the map referred to in Parcel One above; running thence Northeasterly along <br />a direct line drawn Northeasterly to a point on the Northeastern line of Lot 2 of said map, distant <br />thereon Northwesterly 73 feet from the point of intersection thereof with the Northwestern line of <br />Davis Street, a distance of 20 feet; thence Northwesterly parallel with said line of Dabner Street, <br />6 feet; thence Southwesterly a distance of 20 feet to a point on the Northeasterly line of Dabner <br />Street, distant thereon Northwesterly 6 feet from the point of beginning; thence along said line of <br />Dabner Street Southeasterly 6 feet to the point of beginning. <br />