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9335 0 1 <br />ORDER NO.: SL-304089-TF <br />SCHEDULE A <br />The land referred to in this report is situated in the State of <br />California, County of Alameda and is described as follows: <br />Those parcels of land in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, described as follows: <br />PARCEL ONE• <br />A portion of Lot 2, Block "B", Map of Dabner's Addition to the Town of <br />San Leandro, filed May 16, 1871, in Map Book 2, Page 22, Alameda County <br />Records, described as follows: <br />Beginning at the point of intersection of the northwestern line of Davis <br />Street with the northeastern line of Dabner Street, as said streets are <br />shown on said map; running thence along said line of Dabner Street <br />northwesterly 64 feet; thence in a direct line northeasterly 52.5 feet <br />to a point on the northeastern line of said Lot 2 distant thereon <br />northwesterly 73 feet from the point of intersection thereof with the <br />said northwestern line of Davis Street; thence southeasterly along <br />northeastern line of said Lot 2 a distance of 73 feet to the said <br />northwestern line of Davis Street; thence along the last named line <br />southwesterly 53.5 feet to the point of beginning. <br />PARCEL TWO• <br />A non-exclusive perpetual easement and right of way for ingress and <br />egress of pedestrians and vehicles, appurtenant to and for the use of <br />the owner or owners of Parcel One hereinabove described over and across <br />the following described parcel of land. <br />A portion of Lot 2, Block "B", Map of Dabner's Addition to the Town of <br />San Leandro, filed May 16, 1871, in Map Book 2, Page 22, Alameda County <br />Records, described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the northeastern line of Dabner Street distant <br />thereon northwesterly 64 feet from the point of intersection thereof <br />with the northwestern line of Davis Street, as said streets are shown on <br />said map; running thence northeasterly along a direct line drawn <br />northeasterly to a point on the northeastern line of said Lot 2 distant <br />thereon northwesterly 73 feet from the point of intersection thereof <br />with the northwestern line of Davis Street, a distance of 20 feet; <br />thence northwesterly parallel with said line of Dabner Street 6 feet; <br />thence southwesterly a distance of 20 feet, to a point on the said <br />northeastern line of Dabner Street distant thereon northwesterly 6 feet <br />from the point of beginning; thence along said line of Dabner Street <br />southeasterly 6 feet to the point of beginning. <br />A.P.N. 075-0148-008-02 <br />-1- <br />