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City of San Leandro <br />Civic Center, 835 E. 14th Street <br />San Leandro, California 94577 <br />November 23, 2010 <br />The Honorable Board of Supervisors <br />County of Alameda <br />1221 Oak Street <br />Oakland, CA 94612 <br />RE: Cancellation of Taxes <br />Dear Board of Supervisors: <br />The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro had acquired fee title to the real property <br />described herein and all improvements thereon in 1993. <br />Title was taken by deed from Guy Silveira and Barbara Silveira, husband and wife; David J. Costa <br />and Cheryl Costa, husband and wife; and Jose Oliveira and Osvalda M. Oliveira, husband and wife, <br />the real property commonly known as: <br />1052 Davis Street, San Leandro, California, APN 075-0148-008-02 <br />and recorded in the Official Records of the County of Alameda under the County Recorder's Instrument <br />No. 93350160 on October 4, 1993, two (2) copies of which are enclosed. <br />Our agency combined this property with adjacent parcels in 2004; and sold the combined parcel as 1016 <br />Davis Street, San Leandro, California, APN 075-0148-007-01, to 1040 Davis Street Partnership LLC in <br />2004. The current owner recently informed our agency of outstanding taxes for Fiscal Year 1993-1994 for <br />APN 075-0148-008-02'. Enclosed are a copy of the tax statement provided by the Alameda County Office <br />of the Treasurer and Tax Collector and a copy of the Assessor's Map. <br />We respectfully request that the Board cancel the delinquent taxes and associated penalties for Fiscal Year <br />1993-1994 on the above property. Upon your approval, we would appreciate receiving a certified copy of <br />the adopting resolution. <br />Sincerely, <br />Marian Handa <br />Agency Secretary <br />Tony Santos, Mayor <br />City Council: Michael J. Gregory; Jim Prola; Ursula Reed; <br />Diana M. Souza; Joyce R. Starosciak; Bill Stephens <br />