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1EMORANDUM <br />City of San Leandro CITY of SAN LEANDRO <br />Community Development Department <br />AUG 0 5 1987 <br />- CITY CLERK'S OFFICE <br />DATE: �/S /� % <br />MEMO TO: City Clerk or <br />FROM: Services Engineer "Ox - <br />SUBJ : DEED FOR Pr c ± Deb" I%a,r L L 13/v <br />On behalf of the City, please accept the enclosed deed and record <br />it with the County. Provide us with the recording information and <br />City Clerk file number when they are available. The enclosed plat <br />is for your records. Pw6- l!-i IC- a <br />re 16 0., <br />COMMENTS: <br />