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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />AT in, 6 : _ `I1lll►yi <br />DATE: July 6, 2005 <br />TO: Janice Gardner-Loster, Deputy City Clerk <br />FROM: Margaret McCluckie, Business Development Office <br />SUBJECT: 1103 Davis Street — APN 075-0120-061-04 <br />The Redevelopment Agency took possession of this property from Davis Street Community <br />Center by Quitclaim Deed recorded February 20, 2003, Instrument #2003101219. <br />Attached is a copy of the corrected legal description. <br />Unfortunately, we did not request cancellation of the taxes at that time and a tax bill was <br />prepared and sent by the Assessor's office for FY 2003-04. Since the mailing information <br />on the tax bill was listed as 1103 Davis, we never received the bill and these taxes are now <br />delinquent. <br />Please prepare a letter to the Board of Supervisor's requesting cancellation of taxes and <br />specifically mention the 2003-04 delinquent assessment. Effective July 1, 2004, the <br />property was correctly noted as "exempt" and no tax bill was prepared. However, we do <br />need to officially get the 2003-04 taxes cancelled. Please send me a copy of your letter to <br />the Board of Supervisors for my file. <br />We anticipate that we will be selling this property to a developer in August, so time is of the <br />essence in order that we can clear title. Thanks for your help. <br />Mmc <br />Attach: As Noted <br />CC: A. Lorentz <br />GADEPT\Office of Business Development\Files RDA\Plaza\1103 Davis\CancelTaxes.doc <br />