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EXHIBIT A <br />That parcel of land in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State <br />of California, described as follows: <br />A portion of Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 33 of "Durnan's Addition" recorded <br />January 10, 1871 in Book 1 of Maps, at Page 33, Alameda County Records <br />and a portion of Lot 3 as said lot is shown on the map of Tract 659, <br />filed April 23, 1943 in Book 8 of Maps, Page 54, Alameda County Records, <br />further described as follows: <br />Beginning at the northeast corner of said Lot 33, said corner shown on <br />that certain "Record of Survey No. 1124" filed December 16, 1993 in Book <br />17 of "Records of Survey", at Pages 77 and 78, Alameda County Records, <br />said corner also shown on that certain Map of "Durnans Addition" filed <br />January 10, 1871 in Map Book 1 at Page 33, Alameda County Records; <br />thence from said Point of Beginning South 260 32' 04" East, 8.-30 feet <br />along the easterly line of said Lot 33 to a point on said easterly line; <br />thence from said point South 630 27' 56" West, 355.78 feet to the most <br />westerly point of that certain 0.5475 acre parcel as shown on that <br />certain "Record of Survey" - R/S No. 1224, filed December 16, 1993 in <br />Book 17 of Records of Survey at Pages 77 and 78, Alameda County Records; <br />thence from said point along the. exterior boundary of said 0.5475 acre <br />parcel the following courses:'North 260 32' 04" West, 1.15 feet to the <br />beginning of a curve concave East having a radius of 10.00 feet; thence <br />along said curve through a central angle of 900 00' 00" degrees an arc <br />distance of 1.5.71 feet; thence North 630 27' 56" East, 26.2-5 feet to the <br />beginning of a curve concave westerly having a radius of 112.99 feet; <br />thence along said curve through a central angle of 790 33; 22" degrees <br />an arc length of 156.89 feet to a point of reverse curve, concave <br />southeasterly having a radius of 18.63 feet; thence along said curve <br />through a central angle of 900 00' 00" degrees an arc length of 29.26 <br />feet; thence North 730 54' 25" East, 67.91 feet to the beginning of a <br />curve concave northerly having a radius of 108.00 feet; thence along <br />said curve through a central angle of 60 21' 40" degrees an arc distance <br />of 11.99 feet to a point of reverse curve, concave southerly having a <br />radius of 92.00 feet;lthence along said curve through a central angle of <br />60 21' 401! degrees an arc distance of 10.21 feet; thence North 730 54' <br />35" East, 55.28 feet to the beginning of a curve concave southwesterly <br />having a radius of 20.00 feet; thence along said curve through a central <br />angle of 790 33' 21" degrees an arc distance of 27.77 feet; thence South <br />260 32' 04" East, 63.56 feet to the True Point of Beginning. <br />A.P.N. 075-0120-061-03 <br />