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G. L. Dr_r. e Cit7 t <br />('_ItV Cf San Leandro <br />K- = East 14 th Street <br />c„i Laarc:_o, Cm 9,'577 <br />DOCLznentary Transfer Tax: <br />F 1EMPT <br />City of San L;:alidro <br />G ..:T D'- , <br />t'�'-1='TCH, a S171Ol e PlcTl, and E�,L' i-r; r_-.T �S 7Ce11G <br />IC1also krlct--n A <br />U%rnm,,ich, also lcravn as Amelia Ovaraaieh, z wic'�•�- co here::-, <br />1'1' tc the CITY ��_' S ? -i , <br />Gi L.Y_ _1 LEA�?D�O, a :;3:i1Clr� c�rtGrc .iUfl, all utlat Certain <br />real '7rOr rtv situated in the Ci t�' of -can Leanc:rC, Cohn,'/ CL Alameda, ,StaCS <br />of California, described as follows: <br />FOR DESCRIPTION, SEE E`_,TIBIT ATTACHrD uERETO. <br />Assessor's No. 75-36-28, 29 (,All) <br />FAU No. I,'r-A194 (2) <br />Dated this 23rd day of December , 1937 <br />I11 WIT'ESS 1-=P.ECr, CMANi'OR, , has duly executed this document. <br />T' . , as Uwnawi ch <br />FER MAMIK, <br />Emel i a i:wnawich <br />Emelia Uwnawich, being able to write made her mark in my presence and I <br />signed her name at her request and in her presence. <br />Maria B. Contreras <br />ADD TIONPI WITNESS <br />Richard B. Gordon <br />