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PRELIMINARY CHANGE OF OWNE ' REPORT <br />Please answer, to the best of your knowledge, all applicable questions, sign and date. It a question does not apply, Indicate with "WA." r... <br />PART III: PURCHASE PRICE AND TERMS OF SALE <br />!�_ .-.. N, 4._ <br />A. CASH DOWN PAYMENT OR Value of Trade or Exchange (excluding closing costs <br />B. FIRST DEED OF TRUST % interest for years. PymtsJMo. = $ <br />❑ FHA (—Discount Points) ❑ Fixed Rate ❑ <br />El -Conventional ❑ Variable Rate ❑ <br />❑ VA ( Discount Points) ❑ All inclusive D.T. ($ Wrapped) ❑ <br />❑ Cal -Vet ❑ .Loan carried by Seller ❑ <br />Balloon Payment _ ❑Yes ❑ No Due Date <br />Amount $ In. N <br />(PHn. & Int. only) Amount $DJ <br />New Loan <br />Assumed Existing Loan Balance , <br />Bank or Savings & Loan <br />Finance Company ` <br />Amount $ + <br />C. SECOND DEED OF TRUST % interest for years. PymtsJMo. = $ (Prin. & InL only) Amount $ <br />i Q Bank or Savings & Loan ❑ Fixed Rate ❑ New Loan <br />❑Loan Carried by Seller ' ❑ Variable Rate E] Assumed Existing Loan Balance <br />Balloon Payment ❑ Yes ❑ No Due Date Amount $ <br />D. - OTHER FINANCING: Is other financing Involved not covered In (b) or (c) above? ❑ Yes ❑ No Amount $ <br />N jtJf:1r 1�„e( <br />ype 4 ® %interest for years. PymtsJMo. _ $ (Prin. & Int. only) <br />❑ Bank or Savings & Loan ❑ Fixed Rate ❑ New Loan s <br />I ElLoan Carried by Seller ElVariable Rate [I Assumed Existing Loan Balance <br />i Balloon Payment ' ❑ Yes ❑ No Due Date Amount $ <br />E. IMPROVEMENT BOND ❑ Yes [3"'No Outstanding Balance: Amount $ <br />F. TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE (or acquisition price, H traded or exchanged, include real estate commission If paid.) <br />Total Items A through E Q (�oino <br />i. <br />G. PROPERTY PURCHASED ❑ Through a broker 2"IDirect from seller ❑ Other (expialn) <br />1 If purchased through a broker, provide broker's name and phone number. <br />I Please explain any special terms, seller concessions, or financing and any other information that would help the Assessor understand the <br />purchase price and terms of sale. <br />PART IV: PROPERTY INFORMATION <br />A. IS PERSONAL PROPERTY INCLUDED IN PURCHASE PRICE (I.e., iture, farm equipment, etc.) <br />(other than a mobilehome subject to local property tax)? ❑ Yes F1 No <br />If yes, enter the value of the personal property Included in the purchase price $ (Attach itemized list of personal property) <br />B. IS THIS PROPERTY INTENDED AS YOUR PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE? ❑ Yes 2"No t <br />If yes, enter date of occupancy / , 19 or intended occupancy <br />t, MONTH DAY MONTH DAY . ,t <br />C. TYPE OF PROPERTY TRANSFERRED: <br />❑ Singfe famit 'feskience' ❑ Agricultural ❑Timeshare <br />❑ uttiple-family residence (no. of units: ) ❑ Co-op/Own-your-own ❑ Mobilehome <br />Commercfal/lndustrial i ❑ Condominium ❑ Unimproved lot <br />❑ Other (Description: <br />D. DOES THE PROPERTY PRODUCE INCOME? ❑ Yes ❑ No ' If yes, is the Income from: <br />i ❑ Lease/Rent ❑ Contrail ❑ Mineral Rights ❑ Other —Explain: <br />E. WHAT WAS THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AT THE TIME OF SALE? <br />❑ Good ", ` ❑ Average ❑ Fair ❑ Poor <br />Please explain the physical condition of the property and provide any other information (such as restrictions, etc.) that would assist the <br />Assessor In determining the value of the property. <br />I certify that the foregoing is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. <br />Signed Date <br />NEW OWNEH/COAPOPATE OFFr" <br />Please Print Name of New Owner/Corporate Officer <br />Phone Number where you are available from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. ( ) <br />(NOTE: The Assessor may contact you for further Information) <br />0 <br />If a document evidencing a change of ownership is presented to the recorder for recordation without the concurrent riling of a preliminary <br />change of ownership report, the recorder may charge an additional recording fee of twenty dollars ($20). <br />