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91 <br />1 1. The Complaint in this action was filed on July 23, <br />2 1992, by Plaintiff CITY OF SAN LEANDRO (hereafter "Plaintiff <br />3 CITY"), to condemn certain property located in the City of San <br />4 Leandro and identified on Exhibit A-1 hereto ("the Subject <br />5 Property") for the construction of the Teagarden Street <br />6 Extension. <br />7 2. All named Defendants having an interest in the subject <br />8 property have been served with the Summons and Complaint. <br />3. Defendant Trustee, WELLS FARGO BANK represents that at <br />9 <br />10 the time, and immediately preceding the filing of the Complaint, <br />it was and now is the owner of the subject property, as <br />11 � <br />12 applicable. <br />4. Defendant Trustee, WELLS FARGO BANK has been served <br />13 <br />14with Summons and Complaint in this action, and they are fully <br />informed as to all matters affecting the subject property and <br />15 <br />16expressly waive any and all other process of notice and any <br />17 rights affected thereby, &- <br />/DW 18 5. On Februa y , 1993, Plaintiff CITY entered a Default <br />19Judgment as to Defendant SAN LEANDRO INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION. <br />20 6. On February 16, 1992, Defendant CALIFORNIA SERVICE <br />21TOOL, INC., filed a disclaimer of any interest and right to the <br />22subject property and in the compensation to be awarded therefor. <br />23Therefore, such Defendant has no interest in the subject property <br />24nor any right to compensation to be awarded therefor. Plaintiff <br />25CITY also filed a Request for Dismissal against Defendant <br />CALIFORNIA SERVICE TOOL, INC., and a dismissal was entered on <br />26 <br />27 said date. <br />MEYERS, NAVE, 28 <br />RIBACK & SILVER <br />A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION <br />GATEWAY PLAZA <br />77 DAVIS STREET, SUITE 300 <br />SAN LEANDRO. CA 94577 <br />(510)351_4300 <br />FAX: (510) 351-4481 <br />2 <br />