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8320311 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />Beginning at the intersection of the Northern line of Manor Boulevard, formerly West Avenue <br />150, as shown on the Map of "Tract 1199, Eden Township, Alameda County, California", filed <br />October 10, 1952 in Book 33 of Maps at Page 35, in the office of the County Recorder of <br />Alameda County with the Western line of 40.60 acre tract of land described in the Deed by F. <br />Stenzel Farms, Inc., to Braddock & Logan dated November 30, 1949, recorded December 5, <br />1949, in Book 5954 of Official Records of Alameda County at Page 85 (AD/85540); and running <br />thence along said line of Manor Boulevard south 87° 45' 49" West 204.16 feet to the Eastern line <br />of Lot 28, in Block 8, as said Lot and Block are shown on said Map; thence along the last named <br />line North 2 ° 14' 11 " West 105 feet to the Southern line of Lot 6 in said Block 8; thence along <br />the last named line and along the Southern line of Lot 5 in said Block 8, North 87' 45' 49" East <br />204 feet to the Western line of said 40.60 acre tract of land; and thence along the last named line <br />South 2° 19' 31 " East 105 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Assessors Parcel No. 80H-1586-7 <br />