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\. <br />City of <br />Civic Center <br />San Leandro, <br />October 15, 1998 <br />San Leandro <br />835 E. 14th Street <br />California 94577 <br />The Honorable Board of Supervisors <br />County of Alameda <br />1221 Oak Street <br />Oakland, California 94612 <br />Gentlemen: <br />Subject: Cancellation of Taxes <br />The City Council of the City of San Leandro has acquired fee title to the real property described <br />in the attached legal description and all improvements thereon. <br />Title was taken by deed from Salvatore Valenziano and Shirley Valenziano of The Salvatore <br />and Shirley Valenziano Trusts as established under their. Revocable Trust Agreement dated <br />November 19 1991 - for APN 80H-1586-7• at 1241 Manor Boulevard San Leandro CA <br />and recorded in the Official Records of the County of Alameda under the County Recorder's <br />Serial No. 98-320311 on September 16 , 19 98 <br />It is requested that your Honorable Board will: <br />( ) Cancel taxes on the above property. <br />2. (X) Accept the attached Check No. 803-33066 made by Placer Title Company <br />in the amount of $ 1-395.04 , to cover the accrued current real property taxes <br />to the above date of recordation (included in the check amount is any current <br />personal property taxes which are secured by alien on the real property) and cancel <br />the current lien from that date on, as provided in Section 4986 of the Revenue and <br />Taxation Code. <br />( ) Refund to this City Council the unearned portion of the current property taxes, as <br />provided for in Section 1268.440 of the Code of Civil Procedure, in the sum of <br />Upon your approval, we would appreciate receiving a certified copy of the adopting resolution. <br />GP: <br />Enclosures <br />FACOUNTY\CANCLTAX.FM1-14 <br />Shelia Young, Mayor <br />Very truly yours, <br />Gayle Petersen <br />City Clerk <br />City Council: Gordon A. Galvan; Bob Glaze; Surlene G. Grant; <br />Garry A. Loeffler; Joanne M. Lothrop; Glenda Nardine <br />