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Deed - 1244 Doolittle Dr (portion) - File D-1371, 2004
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Deed - 1244 Doolittle Dr (portion) - File D-1371, 2004
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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EXHIBIT A <br />APN 77A-680-007-12 <br />FEE ACQUISITION <br />All that certain real property situate in the city of San Leandro, county of <br />Alameda, state of California, described as follows: <br />Being a portion of that certain parcel of land described as Parcel Two in the <br />Individual Grant Deed to Manuel Senna and Helen P. Joaquin Senna, his wife, <br />recorded March 28, 1994 as instrument number 94-120593, Alameda County <br />records, more particularly described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the southerly corner of said Parcel Two, said corner being an <br />angle point in the northeasterly right of way line of Doolittle Drive as it now exists; <br />Thence along the southwesterly line of said Parcel Two, said line being also the <br />northeasterly right of way line of Doolittle Drive, North 19006'23" West, 39.140 <br />meters (128.41 feet); <br />Thence continuing along said southwesterly line of Parcel Two, northerly and <br />northeasterly along the arc of a 10.668-meter (35.00-foot) radius, tangent curve <br />to the right, through a central angle of 70°41'34", an arc distance of 13.162 <br />meters (43.18 feet) to a point in the northwesterly line of said Parcel Two, said <br />line being also the southeasterly right of way line of Davis Street as it now exists; <br />Thence along said northwesterly line, North 75°29'02" East, 4.126 meters (13.54 <br />feet); <br />Thence leaving said northwesterly line, South 18026'14" West, 12.465 meters <br />(40.90 feet) to a line which lies 3.658 meters (12.00 feet) northeasterly from, <br />measured at right angles to, and parallel with the aforementioned southwesterly <br />line of said Parcel Two; <br />Thence along said parallel line, South 19°06'23" east, 38.994 meters (127.93 <br />feet) to a point in the southeasterly line of said Parcel Two, said point being an <br />angle point in the aforementioned northeasterly right of way line of Doolittle <br />Drive; <br />Thence along said southeasterly line of Parcel Two, South 70°53'37" west, 3.658 <br />meters (12.00 feet) to the POINT OF BEGINNING. <br />Containing 199.9 square meters (2,152 square feet), more or less. <br />Z:%,2002\A02632\1DOMA02632 SENNA.DOC 1 OF 3 <br />
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