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Thence easterly along the arc of a 8.170-meter (26.80-foot) radius, non -tangent <br />curve to the right, the center of which curve bears South 19°01'12" east, through <br />a central angle of 13°20'41 ", an arc distance of 1.903 meters (6.24 feet); <br />Thence North 84019'29" East, 10.197 meters (33.45 feet); <br />Thence northeasterly along the arc of a 26.830-meter (88.02-foot) radius, tangent <br />curve to the left, through a central angle of 13'20'41 ", an arc distance of 6.249 <br />meters (20.50 feet); <br />Thence North 70°58'48" East, 66.987 meters (219.77 feet); <br />Thence South 19001'12" East, 0.830 meters (2.72 feet); <br />Thence North 70°58'48" East, 0.648 meters (2.13 feet); <br />Thence northeasterly along the arc of a 10.870-meter (35.66-foot) radius, tangent <br />curve to the right, through a central angle of 7°08'38", an arc distance of 1.355 <br />meters (4.45 feet); <br />Thence North 19°01'12" West, 0.836 meters (2.74 feet); <br />Thence northeasterly and easterly along the arc of a 11.700-meter (38.39-foot) <br />radius, non -tangent curve to the right, the center of which curve bears South <br />12°23'07" East, through a central angle of 44°40'14", an arc distance of 9.122 <br />meters (29.93 feet); <br />Thence South 32017'07" West, 0.830 meters (2.72 feet); <br />Thence southeasterly along the arc of a 10.870-meter (35.66-foot) radius, non - <br />tangent curve to the right, the center of which curve bears South 32°17'07" West, <br />through a central angle of 19'07'05", an arc distance of 3.627 meters (11.90 feet) <br />to a line which bears South 51 °24'12" West from the True Point of Beginning; <br />Thence North 51'24'12" East, 0.830 meters (2.72 feet) to the TRUE POINT OF <br />BEGINNING. <br />Containing 305.3 square meters (3,279 square feet), more or less. <br />Parcel 2 <br />Commencing at the southerly corner of that certain parcel of land described as <br />Parcel 2 in the deed to the city of San Leandro recorded February 20, 1974 on <br />reel 3613 at image 457, Alameda County records, said corner being a point in <br />the southwesterly right of way line of Doolittle Drive as it now exists; <br />Z 12002W026321DOCS1A02632 CNTRY LIFE.DOC ? of 4 <br />