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V <br />CA <br />0 <br />0 <br />OFFICE OF ASSESSOR <br />COUNTY OF ALAMEDA <br />1221 Oak St., County Administration Building <br />Oakland, California 94612-4288 <br />RON THOMSEN <br />ASSESSOR <br />NOTIFICATION OF 2006-2007 ASSESSED VALUE <br />OFFICIAL NOTICE DO NOT DESTROY <br />FORWARDING SERVICE REQUESTED <br />77E-1525-3-4 <br />CITY SAN LEANDRO REDEVELOPMENT <br />c/o ATTN CITY CLERK <br />835 E 14TH ST <br />SAN LEANDRO CA 94577-3767 <br />HOW TO CONTACT US <br />PRESORTED <br />FIRST-CLASS MAIL <br />U.S. POSTAGE PAID <br />OAKLAND, CA <br />PERMIT NO. 2112 <br />If you have any questions after reviewing the assessed value on your property, please call (510) 272-3787 or come in person to our <br />department located at 1221 Oak Street, Rm. 145, Oakland, CA 94612-4288. We are available to assist you with your concerns from <br />B:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. If after contacting this office your value concerns could not be resolved, you must file an <br />Application for Changed Assessment with the Clerk, Assessment Appeals Board, P.O. Box 1499, Oakland, CA 94612-1499. For information on <br />how to obtain and complete an application call (510) 272-6352 or visit their website at This application <br />must be filed between July 2 and September 15, 2006 to protect your appeal rights. <br />In the event that an application is filed, a reduction cannot be made unless the applicant attends and answers all questions pertinent to the <br />inquiry before the County Assessment Appeals Board. However, appearance may be waived provided there is a written stipulation signed <br />by the Assessor, County Legal Officer, and the applicant as to the full assessed value of the property and the facts relied upon to warrant <br />the change in assessed value. The County Assessment Appeals Board may either a) accept the stipulation or b) reject it, and may <br />set or reset the application for a formal hearing. This process is in accordance with California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 1607. <br />HOW TO LOWER YOUR TAX LIABILITY <br />If this property is your principal place of residence as of January 1, 2006 you may be entitlied to a homeowners exemption that could <br />lower your property tax liability. There is no charge to apply for this exemption. If no amount is shown on the homeowner's exemption <br />line on the front of this notice, and you believe you would qualify, please call (510) 272-3770. <br />Also, certain sales/transfers of property between parents and children, and certain sales/transfers between grandparents and grandchildren <br />may qualify for exclusion from reassessment thereby maintaining your lower property tax liability. For information call (510) 272-3800. <br />We are available to answer any questions regarding this notification or any other assessment related questions you may have. Please <br />call (510) 272-3787 or our toll free South County number (800) 660-7725, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Our website <br />address is <br />