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90►2 03424 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />All that REAL PROPERTY situate in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, being A PORTION of that Parcel 3 described in the Deed to <br />Steven K. Hilgedick, recorded January 9, 1980, Recorder's Series No. 80-04877, <br />Alameda County Records, being more particularly described as follows: <br />COMMENCING at the intersection of the southwestern line of Washington Avenue, <br />formerly Watkins Street, with the northwestern line of 139th Avenue, formerly <br />West Avenue 141, formerly Third Avenue, said intersection being the eastern <br />corner of a tract of land containing 21.064 acres conveyed to H. A. Cottrell, <br />by Deed dated March 24, 1874; thence along said northwestern line of 139th <br />Avenue South 62. 00' 00" West 385.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; <br />thence continuing along the last said line South 62. 00' 00" West 68.81 feet <br />to a non -tangent curve, concave to the southeast, having a radius of 51.50 <br />feet, a radial line of said curve to said point bears North 88. 57' 32" West; <br />thence northerly, northeasterly, and easterly along said curve, through a <br />central angle of 88. 27' 39", a distance of 79.51 feet to a non -tangent line; <br />thence along the last said line South 28. 00' 00" East 20.68 feet to the TRUE <br />POINT OF BEGINNING. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 1,433 square feet, more or less. <br />Q ,pV ESSIONgI <br />fo so, <br />:�, <br />� No.26323 0 � <br />J' •• G:� ENGIN���.• <br />9l� OF CA5 <br />LD 89-40 <br />139th Avenue A.D. - Acquisition at 13951-89 Washington Ave. <br />APN 77B-1225-2/2 <br />Zenklusen <br />