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` 010i084 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />All that REAL PROPERTY situate in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, being A PORTION of that parcel of land described in the <br />Quitclaim Deed recorded June 8, 1970, Recorder's Series No. 70-59453, Alameda <br />County Records, being more particularly described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point on the northwestern line of 139th Avenue, formerly West <br />Avenue 141, and formerly Third Avenue, distant thereon South 62. 00' 00" West <br />(South 62. 00' 00" West being taken as the bearing of said northwestern line <br />for the purpose of this description) 235.00 feet from the intersection thereof <br />with the southwestern line of Washington Avenue, formerly Watkins Street; <br />thence South 62. 00' 00" West 116.57 feet to a tangent curve, concave to the <br />north, having a radius of 23.50 feet; thence southwesterly and westerly along <br />said curve, through a central angle of 49. 42' 33", a distance of 20.39 feet <br />to a reverse curve, concave to the south, having a radius of 51.50 feet, a <br />radial line of last said curve to said point bears North 21. 42' 33" East; <br />thence northwesterly along last said curve, through a central angle of 22° 12' <br />26", a distance of 19.96 feet to a point on a non -tangent line; thence along <br />said non -tangent line North 28. 00' 00" West 5.57 feet to a non -tangent curve, <br />concave to the south, having a radius of 56.50 feet, a radial line of last <br />said curve to said point bears North 3° 6' 28" West; thence southeasterly <br />along last said curve, through a central angle of 24. 49' 01", a distance of <br />24.47 feet to a reverse curve, concave to the north, having a radius of 18.50 <br />feet, a radial line of last said curve to said point bears South 21. 42' 33" <br />West; thence southeasterly and easterly along said curve, through a central <br />angle of 49. 42' 33", a distance of 16.05 feet; thence along a tangent line <br />North 62. 00' 00" East 116.57 feet; thence South 28. 00' 00" East 5.00 feet to <br />BEGINNING. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 785 square feet, more or less. <br />Q 'OFESSIO/V <br />Ncz <br />FL <br />LJ rT <br />No.26323 - <br />f N G IN��;�•� ��P <br />�TF OF.CM-\F <br />LD 89-39 <br />139th Avenue A.D. - P.U.E. <br />APN 77B-1225-3/2 <br />Maggi <br />