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a f 7 2 G I 7 <br />ORDEI 80301004-TF <br />EXHIBIT A <br />Those parcels of land in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, described as follows: <br />PARCEL 1• <br />Beginning at a point on the southern line of Callan Avenue, distant <br />Westerly 804.20 feet from the Western line of Pelton Street; running <br />thence Westerly along said line of Callan Avenue 33 1/3 feet; thence at <br />a right angle Southerly 122 feet; thence at a right angle Easterly 33 <br />1/3 feet; thence at a right angle Northerly 122 feet to the point of <br />beginning. <br />BEING the Northerly 122 feet of Lot 24 and the Northerly 122 feet of the <br />Easterly 8 1/3 feet to Lot 25 in Block 3, Map of East San Leandro, filed <br />February 20, 1871, Map Book 2, Page 24, Alameda County Records. <br />PARCEL 2• <br />Beginning at the point of intersection of the Southwestern line of that <br />certain parcel of land described in the deed from Charles Howard Miller, <br />et. al., as Trustees, to the First Presbyterian Church and Congregation <br />of San Leandro, a corporation, dated March 21, 1925, and recorded in <br />Book 928 of Official Records, at Page 418, Alameda County Records, with <br />the Southeastern line of Callan Avenue, as said Callan Avenue now <br />exists; running thence Southeasterly along the Southwestern line of said <br />parcel of land above referred to, 120 feet; thence Northeasterly <br />parallel with said line of Callan Avenue, 10 feet; thence Northwesterly <br />and parallel with the Southwestern line of said land of The First <br />Presbyterian Church and Congregation of San Leandro, 120 feet to said <br />line of Callan Avenue; thence Southwesterly along said line of Callan <br />Avenue, 10 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Excepting From Parcels One and Two that portion granted to the City of <br />San Leandro by Grant Deed recorded August 14, 1970, Series No. 70-87045, <br />Reel 2672, Image 745, Alameda County Records. <br />A.P.N.: 077-0551-014 <br />