<br />1. Property Assessment and Attachment of Tax Lien: The Assessor annually assesses
<br />all the property in the county, except state -assessed property, to the person owning,
<br />claiming, possessing or controlling it at 12:01 a.m. January 1, and a lien for taxes
<br />attaches at that time preceding the fiscal year for which the taxes are levied.
<br />(a) If you disagree with a change in the assessed value as shown on the tax bill, you
<br />may have the right to an informal assessment review by contacting the Assessor's
<br />Office. If you disagree with the results of the informal review, you have the
<br />right to file an application for reduction in assessment for the following
<br />year with the Alameda County Assessment Appeals Board from July 2 to
<br />September 15. The Assessment Appeals Board may be contacted at the County
<br />Administration Building, Room 536, 1221 Oak Street, Oakland, California
<br />94612-4241 or by calling (510) 272-6352.
<br />(b) Application for review and equalization of an assessment made outside of the
<br />regular assessment period must be filed with the Alameda County Assessment
<br />Appeals Board no later than 60 days from the first notification of that
<br />assessment
<br />2. Your Tax Collector does not determine the amount you pay in taxes. Tax amounts
<br />are computed by multiplying the property's full value by the tax rates of the various
<br />taxing agencies. Fixed charges and/or special assessments such as Flood Control
<br />Benefit Assessment, sewer service, special assessment improvement bond charges,
<br />delinquent garbage liens, etc. from cities and districts are added to the computed
<br />tax amounts to arrive at the total amount due on the bill.
<br />3. The 'total Amount Due is payable In two Installments:
<br />(a) The 1st installment is due on NOVEMBER 1, 2009 and is delinquent at 5 p.m.
<br />DECEMBER 10, 2009 after which a 10% penalty attaches.
<br />(b) The 2nd installment is due on FEBRUARY 1, 2010 and is delinquent at 5 p.m.
<br />APRIL 10, 2010 after which a 10% penalty and $10 cost attach.
<br />(c) In order to pay both installments at the same time, remit the TOTAL AMOUNT
<br />DUE with both installment payment stubs by DECEMBER 10, 2009
<br />(d) If above delinquent due dates fall on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, no
<br />penalty is charged if payment is made by 5 p.m. on the next business day.
<br />Due: FEBRUARY 1, 2010
<br />Delinquent: 5 p.m., APRIL 10, 2010
<br />4. If the amount due is unpaid at 5 p.m. June 30, 2010, it will be necessary to pay (a)
<br />delinquent penalties, (b) costs, (c) redemption penalties, and (d) a redemption fee. If
<br />June 30 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, no redemption penalties shall
<br />attach if payment is made by 5 p.m. on the next business day. Property delinquent for
<br />the first year shall be declared defaulted for non-payment of taxes. After 5 years, the
<br />Tax Collector has the power to sell tax -defaulted property that is not redeemed.
<br />5. Full Value Exemption Legend: C-Church D-Welfare/Hospital G-Cemetery
<br />H-Homeowner M-Miscellaneous R-Religious S-Public School V-Veteran
<br />W-Welfare/Others X-Combination.
<br />6. Homeowners' Exemption. If your tax bill shows zero value on the Homeowners'
<br />Exemption line and you owned and occupied this property on January 1, 2009, you may
<br />be eligible for a partial (80%) homeowners' exemption if you file a claim with the
<br />Assessor on or before December 10. 2009. The homeowners' exemption tax reduction is
<br />attributable to the state -financed homeowners' tax relief program.
<br />7. Questions about property valuation, exemptions, payments and fixed
<br />charges and/or special assessments should be directed to the telephone
<br />numbers indicated on the front of this bill.
<br />8. Property Tax Assistance for Senior Citizens or Blind or Disabled Persons: The
<br />2009/2010 state budget suspended funding for the Gonsalves-Deukmejian-Petris
<br />Senior Citizens Property Tax Assistance Law, which provides direct cash assistance. The
<br />Franchise Tax Board (FTB) will not be issuing Homeowner and Renter Assistance
<br />(HRA) Program instruction booklets and will not accept HRA claims for the 2009 claim
<br />year. For the most current information on the HRA program, go to
<br />and search for HRA.
<br />9. Property Tax Postponement for Senior Citizens or Blind or Disabled Persons: On
<br />February 20, 2009, the Governor signed Chapter 4, Statutes of 2009, which immediately
<br />suspends the Senior Citizens' Property Tax Deferral Program. This legislation prohibits
<br />the filing of claims for property tax postponement and prohibits the Controller from
<br />accepting claims filed after February 20, 2009. As a result of the program suspension,
<br />the Controller will no longer accept claims for property tax postponement pending
<br />modification or repeal of this new law. However, the Controller's Office will continue
<br />processing claims postmarked prior to February 20, 2009. For the most current
<br />information on the PTP program please visit our website at
<br />Do Not Use This Stub After June 30, 2010
<br />Due: NOVEMBER 1, 2009
<br />Delinquent: 5 p.m., DECEMBER 10, 2009
<br />1. The Tax Collector does not determine the amount of
<br />taxes and cannot change any amount
<br />2. Partial payments are not acceptable - payments made for
<br />less than the total installment due are not acceptable.
<br />Any such partial payment received will be returned to
<br />the taxpayer.
<br />3. Notices will not be mailed when the second installment
<br />is due. Mark your calendar or subscribe to e-mail alerts
<br />online @
<br />4. Filing an application for reduced assessment does not
<br />relieve the applicant from the obligations to pay the
<br />taxes on the subject property before the applicable due
<br />date shown on the tax bill. If a reduction is granted,
<br />a proportionate refund of taxes will be made by the
<br />County Auditor's Office.
<br />5. New owners and present owners with new construction
<br />may be required to pay a Supplemental tax bill.
<br />Supplemental tax bills are separate from and in addition
<br />to this annual bill and any previous or subsequent
<br />Supplemental bills.
<br />Do Not Use This Stub After June 30, 2010
<br />