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Deed - 2088 Hillside Dr - File 1348, 2001
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Deed - 2088 Hillside Dr - File 1348, 2001
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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AGREEMENT FOR STORM DRAIN EASEMENT <br />This Agreement for Storm Drain Easement (hereinafter, "Agreement") is made <br />this '5rdday of �a , 2001 between Dennis S. Reid and Victoria C.' <br />Mendoza -Reid (singularly and collectively referred to hereinafter as "Grantors" and the <br />San Leandro Hillside Geologic Hazard Abatement District!a duly formed geologic <br />hazard abatement district (hereinafter, "District"). <br />Grantors are the fee owners of that real property located at 2088 Hillside Drive, <br />San Leandro, CA, which real property is more particularly described in Exhibit "A", <br />attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. District wishes to acquire <br />from Grantors, and Grantors wish to grant to District, permanent easement rights over a <br />portion of said real property, said portion being described in Exhibit "B attached hereto <br />and incorporated herein by this reference (hereinafter "the easement"). <br />WHEREAS, District desires to locate a portion of a storm drain in, upon, under <br />along, and across that real property of the Grantor described in Attachment "B"; and <br />WHEREAS, the undersigned have determined that it is in their mutual and <br />respective interests for the Grantors to grant, and for District to accept, an easement for <br />purposes of District constructing and maintaining a storm drain. <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing receipt of which is hereby <br />acknowledged, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: <br />Grantors grant and convey an easement to District, via an Easement <br />Deed which is executed concurrently herewith and is incorporated herein <br />as Exhibit "C" hereto, for purposes of allowing District to construct, <br />maintain, repair and operate a storm drain, said easement being more <br />particularly described in the Easement Deed. <br />2. District agrees that the use granted in the Easement Deed shall be limited <br />exclusively to storm drain purposes and those uses incidental to <br />constructing, maintaining, repairing, and operating said storm drain. <br />3. District agrees that Grantors shall have the nonexclusive right to use the <br />easement and grant nonexclusive easements over, along, or upon the <br />easement, provided however, no structures may be constructed or <br />maintained in the District's easement, and provided further that any such <br />easements granted by Grantor shall be subject, and subordinate, to <br />District's storm drain easement, and provided further that District shall <br />have first consented in writing to the terms, nature, and location of any <br />such other non-exclusive easements as not interfering with the rights <br />granted to District under this Agreement and the Easement Deed. <br />
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