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Attachment B <br />Description of Construction and Maintenance Easement Work <br />The work to be done consists of protecting the upslope portion above the un-repaired <br />slope with a row of shear pins, slope grading and installation of a tieback, reinforced <br />concrete slope -retaining repair incorporating shear pins, tie beams, tiebacks, reaction <br />tie beams, V-ditches, drop inlets and culverts. Associated work includes: the notification <br />of adjacent homeowners, tenants and businesses of work to be done; the disposing of <br />waste materials; and the cleaning of the work site at the end of each job. <br />Description of Location of Work <br />2090 Hillside Drive, San Leandro <br />APN 079 0024 047 <br />Refer to the Legal Description attached as Exhibit B. <br />Containing an area of 11262.95 square feet (0.258 acres) more or less. <br />