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Deed - 2112 Hillside Dr - File 1342, 2001
City Clerk
City Council
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Deed - 2112 Hillside Dr - File 1342, 2001
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Last modified
10/4/2022 7:01:45 PM
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10/4/2022 7:01:03 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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3. District agrees that the use granted in the Easement Deed shall be limited <br />exclusively to geologic stability purposes and those uses incidental to <br />constructing, maintaining, repairing, and operating shear pins, tie backs <br />and related structures. <br />4. District agrees that Grantors shall have the right to grant other <br />nonexclusive easements over, along, or upon the geologic stability <br />easement, provided however, that any such easements granted by <br />Grantors shall be subject, and subordinate, to District's easement, and <br />provided further that District shall have first consented in writing to the <br />terms, nature, and location of any such other non-exclusive easements as <br />not interfering with the rights granted to District under this Agreement and <br />the Easement Deed. <br />5. Grantors reserve the right to use the easement in any manner that will not <br />prevent or interfere with the exercise by the District of the rights granted <br />under this Agreement and the Easement Deed. <br />6. All rights, title and privileges being granted to District by this Agreement <br />and the Easement Deed, including all benefits and burdens relating <br />thereto, shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the <br />benefit of the parties hereto, their respective heirs, successors, assigns, <br />and legal representatives. <br />7. Any damage to buildings, structures and landscaping caused by District, <br />its employees, contractors or subcontractors during the course of using <br />the easement shall be repaired or compensated by the District its <br />employees, contractors or subcontractors. "Damage" as used in this <br />paragraph shall not include damage from dust and dirt that is normally <br />associated with construction activities. <br />In Witness hereof, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement and have <br />executed the Easement Deed as of the date first written herein, by persons who are <br />duly authorized to execute the same. <br />GRANT RS The DISTRICT <br />`, By: <br />Bill am <br />J e K. Ham John J. Jermanis, Executive Director <br />t� L8,>� VO 41 � <br />2 <br />
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