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Attachment B <br />Description of Sanitary Sewer Easement Work <br />The work consists of installing a sanitary sewer line and manhole access on the <br />property described below. The total project will consist of furnishing and installing by a <br />combination of microtunneling and open cut trenching methods, 1,855 lineal feet of new <br />42-inch diameter sewer across Interstate 880 at the Davis Street overpass, 898 lineal <br />feet of new 12-inch diameter sewer, 525 lineal feet of new 10-inch diameter sewer, and <br />727 lineal feet of new 8-inch diameter sewer; and doing all appurtenant work, including <br />but not limited to, sewer abandonment in place and ready for use. <br />Description of Location of Work <br />997 Martin Boulevard, San Leandro <br />APN 077A 0660 022 <br />All that real property situated in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of <br />California, described as follows: <br />A 5 foot wide easement over real property in the City of San Leandro, County of <br />Alameda, State of California, being over a portion of Lot 22 of Tract 590, filed July 10, <br />1942, in Map Book 18, Page 100, Alameda County Records and more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at the most western corner of said Lot 22; thence along the northwestern line <br />of said lot, North 731,12'22" East 108.31 feet (the bearing of said line being taken as <br />North 73°12'22" East for the purpose of this description) to the most northern corner of <br />said lot, said corner being on the western line of Martin Boulevard (50 feet wide and <br />formerly known as "West" Boulevard) as said boulevard is shown on said tract, said <br />corner also being on a curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 249.98 feet <br />(the center of the curve bears North 73012'22" East from said corner); thence <br />southeasterly along said line of Martin Boulevard along the arc of said curve through a <br />central angle of 1 °08'46", an arc distance of 5.00 feet to a line drawn parallel with and <br />distant southeasterly 5.00 feet, measured at right angles, from said northwestern line of <br />said lot; thence along said parallel line South 73012'22" West 108.91 feet to the <br />southwestern line of said lot, thence along said line North 10034'28" West 5.03 feet to <br />the Point of Beginning. <br />Contains 543 square feet, more or less. <br />Note: Distances used in the above description are grid distances of the California State <br />Plan Coordinate System, Zone 3 NAVD 1988, in units of U.S. feet. Multiply grid <br />distances by 1.00007236 to obtain ground distances. Multiply grid area shown by <br />1.00014473 to obtain ground area. <br />