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88-257044 (2'r1'"r�� PEE <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss O % T `% D r— <br />City and County of San Francisco o <br />On this T k-' day of in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty <br />before me, MARY J. SPA[MONS a Nary blic in and for the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, per orally pear <br />OFFICIAL SEAL <br />MARY J. SIMMONS <br />Notary Public-Calitomla <br />SAN FSANCISCO COUNTY <br />W My <br />Comm. Ev, AN* 14, 1991 <br />Corporation <br />My Commission Expires June 14, 1991 <br />personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who <br />7ex uhe withiitinnstrument a the 1/ /Ca 6 President, and <br />- t A)Q DC) A) C L personally known to me orproved to me on the <br />basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who executed the within instrument as the <br />ecretary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument <br />and cnowledged o me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by- <br />! s or a resolution of its board of di <br />NESS my h nd off c!a! seq _ <br />Notary Public in and for thgAAty and C6f(nty of Sant'rancisco, State of California. <br />