04-Ala-112 PM-0.5-1.5
<br />Parcel 52489
<br />Alameda County records, and portions of lots 71, 72, 73, 74, 75,
<br />76, 77 and 78 as said lots are shown on the map of Tract 659 filed
<br />April 23, 1943 in Book 8 of Maps at Pages 54 and 55, Alameda County
<br />records, further described as follows:
<br />Being also portions of those certain parcels of land described in
<br />the deeds to the City of San Leandro recorded September 24, 1988
<br />under Recorder's Series Number 85-198488, December 9, 1964 on Reel
<br />1386 at Image 157, Recorder's Series Number AW196796, February 13,
<br />1953 in Book 6947 of official records at Page 239, Recorder's
<br />Series Number AH12796, September 12, 1985 under Recorder's Series
<br />Number_ 85-186647, January 3, 1986 under Recorder's Series Number
<br />86-000895, June 17, 1986 under Recorder's Series Number 86-142710,
<br />February 23, 1987 under Recorder's Series Number 87-050954,
<br />November 22, 1985 under Recorder's Series Number 86-250276,
<br />January 3, 1986 under Recorder's Series Number 86-000889, and
<br />May 23, 1985 under Recorder's Series Number 85-099000, Alameda
<br />County records; further described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the northwesterly corner of said lot 71 of Tract 659,
<br />said corner being at the intersection of the southerly line of
<br />Davis Street as said street is shown on said map of Tract 659, with
<br />the easterly line of said lot 1 of Tract 632; thence along the
<br />northerly lines of said lots 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 and 78,
<br />said lines being also the southerly lire of Davis Street, north
<br />73 ° 54' 35" east, 433.21 feet; thence along the northeasterly line of
<br />said lot 78, easterly and southeasterly along the arc of a 20.00
<br />foot radius, tangent curve, to the right, through a central angle of
<br />79*3312111, an arc distance of 27.77 feet to the easterly line of
<br />said lot 78, said line being also the westerly line of Wayne Avenue
<br />as said avenue is shown on said map of Tract 659; thence along said
<br />easterly line, south 26032104" east, 8.32 feet to a line which lies
<br />24.56 feet southerly of, measured at `right angles to and parallel
<br />with the aforementioned southerly line of Davis Street; thence
<br />leaving said easterly line, along said parallel line, south
<br />73*54135" west, 356.86 feet; thence south 72°29102" west, 55.99
<br />feet; thence westerly along the arc of a 30.00 foot radius, tangent
<br />curve to the left, through a central angle of 11017'32", an arc
<br />distance of 5.91 feet to a point of reverse curvature; thence
<br />westerly along the arc of a 150.00 foot radius, tangent curve to
<br />the right, through a central angle of 1204310611, an arc distance of
<br />33.30 feet; thence south 73`54135" west, 36.73 feet; thence south
<br />16°05125" east, 2.60 feet; thence south 73*54135" west, 9.50 feet;
<br />thence north 16*05125" west, 2.60 feet; thence south 73°54'35"
<br />west, 16.74 feet; thence south 81°16139" west, 37.34 feet to the
<br />westerly line of said lot 1 of Tract 632; said line being also the
<br />easterly line of Pierce Avenue as said avenue is shown on said map;
<br />thence along said westerly line, north 24°24155" west, 9.62 feet;
<br />thence along the northwesterly line of said lot 1, northerly and
<br />northeasterly along the arc of a 20.00 foot radius, tangent curve
<br />to the right, through a central angle of 98*1913011, an arc distance
<br />of 34.32 feet to the northerly line of said lot 1 said line being
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