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.J <br />All that certain re -operty situate in the City in Leandro, County of <br />Alameda, State of California being a portion of Lots L. 14 and N, Block 38, <br />`lap of the Town of San Leandro, flied February 27, 1855, Map Book 2, page 43, <br />Alameda County Records and being more particularly described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a polni on the northwesterly line of Davis Street as shown on <br />the herelnbefore described Map of the Town of San Leandro, distant thereon <br />north 6200 east 37.61 feet from the intersection thereof with the north- <br />easterly line of Martinez Street as shown on said map; thence leaving said <br />POINT OF BEGINNING and said northwesterly line north 25' 50' 14" west 13.01 <br />feet to a point on a line parallel with and distant 13. measured at right angles from said northwesterly line Of0Davis tS'treeltwethence <br />along said parallel line north 62' 00' east 77.66 feet; thence leaving said <br />parallel line north 2 00 east 12.74 feet; thence north 62' 09' east 15.00 <br />feet; thence south 58' 00' east 12.74 feet to a point on last descril-I <br />parallel line; thence along said parallel line north 62' 00' east 6.50 Feet <br />more or less to a point on the northeasterly line of the herelnbefore <br />described Lot L; thence leaving said parallel line along said northeasterly <br />line of Lot L south 28'*00' east 13.00 feet to a <br />1 inr of Davis Street; thence leaving said northeasterlysaid l ineo er along rthtsald <br />point onwe <br />northwesterly line south 626 00 west 112.39 feet more or less to the POINT <br />OF BEGINNING. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 1,694 square feet of land more or <br />less. - <br />"V 86-28 <br />Dwg . 1043 Case 1602 <br />Davis St. Widening <br />Condemnation <br />UPRR <br />APN 75-36-49 <br />EXiIIBIT A <br />