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APN. 42-4530-5-2 <br />City of San Leandro <br />A strip of land known as Eden Road 50 feet in width, 25 feet on either side of the center <br />line of said road, which is described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the Southwestern line of County Road No.1434 commonly known <br />as Bay Farm Island and San Leandro Road as now exists, distant thereon 442.69 feet N 45' <br />22' W from its intersection with the Southern boundary line of that certain 42.35 Acres <br />tract of land conveyed by Peter Lekos, a single man to J. E. Faustina by deed dated March <br />4, 1925 and recorded in Liber 902 Official Records of Alameda County at page 475, said <br />point of beginning being in the center line of a 50 foot road, and running thence along the <br />center line of said 50 foot road S 69' 13'W a distance of 1175.31 feet to an angle therein, <br />thence continuing along the center line of said 50 foot road S 49' 41' 40"E to the <br />intersection of the boundary line of the City of San Leandro. <br />Excepting therefrom the following: <br />Beginning at a point on the Southwestern line of County Road No.1434 known as <br />Doolittle Drive as said drive now exists, distant thereon N 45' W 857 feet from its <br />intersection with the Northwesterly line of Davis Street 50 feet wide, running thence N 45' <br />22'W 54.98 feet; thence S 69' 13'W 126.30 feet; thence S 20' 471E 50 feet; thence N 69' <br />131E 149.04 feet to the point of beginning. <br />