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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: May 25, 2000 <br />TO: Debbie Dettmer, City Clerk's Office <br />FROM: Tara Peterson, Engineering & Transportation <br />SUBJECT: Recordation of Deeds/Cancellation of Taxes Memo to Uche Udemezue dated <br />4/20/98 <br />Below is a response to each of the four items in the above referenced memo. <br />Frontage Dedication — 250 Floresta Boulevard. We do not have a notice from Alameda <br />+ ,County canceling taxes. That should have come directly to your office after being requested <br />by your office. According to Bennett, there were never any closing statemen s. dition; I-- <br />cannot find a file that refers to this address. Also, I contacted the title com y, but they <br />cannot find any documents, so we are not able to assist further with this item. �t�.�.�? --c. k t V�- <br />nq- W- �'4 (+r <br />2. Property Dedication — 1245 Marina Boulevard. You required the grant deed from Reynolds <br />& Brown. I sent that up to you yesterday. �� _ �t Ec c� Ala �� v«:1 - c U0C_` e vkl�, <br />f a k Is'FeL mush �z recrrcatc�l . <br />3� 3. Grant Deed and Lot Line Adjustment — Roberts Landing Tract 6636. You required title <br />insurance and closing statements. I have attached the Preliminary Title Report. According to <br />Bennett, there were never any closing statements, nor can I locate any in the file. Also, I <br />Z� $ contacted the title insurance company and they are unable to find this file. <br />o.$ 5U 4. Parcel Map 6662 — 91 Durant Avenue. Please find attached the encroachment permit that <br />lei 1 Bennett issued in lieu of a dedication. <br />Sorry that all of these items took so long to follow up on. Please send future requests directly to me, <br />and I will do what I can to facilitate the finding of whatever you need. <br />C";r��e� <br />