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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: May 22, 2000 <br />TO: Tara Peterson, Engineering and Transportation Department <br />FROM: Debbie Dettmer, City Clerk's Office <br />SUBJECT: RECORDATION OF DEED(S) AND CANCELLATION OF TAXES <br />Tara, <br />Attached is the age-old memo I sent you a copy of a long time ago for follow-up. <br />You asked for "backup" for items still unresolved. I've made four copies of my original April 20, <br />1998, memo to Uche, highlighted one of the four items on each separate copy, and attached the <br />corresponding letter referenced. The "status" is still the same; I do not have anything more than I <br />had received as of April 20, 1998. <br />Please check Engineering's files to see if any of the material is there; if so, please make a copy for <br />your files and forward the original(s) to me; if not, please contact the appropriate person at each <br />of the Title Companies to find out "what happened?" <br />Thanks for your assistance. <br />dd <br />Attachments (3) <br />cc: Gayle Petersen <br />DACOUNTYWEMOS.NES-S <br />