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r' <br />City of San Leandro <br />Civic Center, 835 E. 14th Street ' <br />San Leandro, California 94577 <br />September 8, 1994 - <br />CITY rNe. e Am i cekinRO <br />Pat Berry SEP 0 9 1994 <br />First American Title Company <br />1535 Harrison Street I CITY CLERK'S QFFICF <br />Oakland, CA 94610 <br />SUBJECT: Property Dedication and Grant of Ea nt�)- Marina Boulevard <br />Frontage-of—MariTral ane, Rarina. Boulevard, San Leandro, <br />Portions of APN 79A-295-3, ,Escrow No. 155630 <br />Dear Pat Berry: <br />It is my understanding that you currently have an open escrow account for a <br />property frontage dedication and grant of easement for the above referenced <br />property. Therefore, please find enclosed the following documents: <br />1. Two fully executed Grant Deeds from Marina Square Partners, L.P., <br />c� gC to the City, with a fully executed Certificate of Acceptance from <br />9C the City Clerk accepting the deeds on behalf of the City attached <br />p3 to each Grant Deed. <br />2. One fully executed Grant of Easement from Marina Square Partners, <br />V , �C L.P., to the City, with a fully executed Certificate of <br />{� �o' Acceptance from the City Clerk accepting the easement on behalf <br />cal of the City attached to the Grant of Easement. <br />Upon receipt of these documents, please proceed as follows: <br />1. Issue your standard CLTA policy of title insurance in favor of <br />the City of San Leandro in the amount of $5,000.00 for the <br />property described as Parcel A (Teagarden Street frontage) in one <br />of the Grant Deeds. <br />2. Issue your standard CLTA policy of title insurance in favor of <br />the City of San Leandro in the amount of $2,000.00 for the <br />property described as Parcel B (Marina Boulevard frontage) in one <br />of the Grant Deeds. <br />3. Close the transaction, including the cancellation of taxes on the <br />dedicated property. <br />4. Send the title insurance, closing statements, recorded Grant <br />Deeds and Grant of Easement, invoice for the escrow fees, and the <br />invoice for the premium for the policy of title insurance to my <br />attention. <br />Ellen M. Corbett, Mayor <br />City Council: Gordon A. Galvan; Howard W. Kerr; Garry A. Loeffler; <br />Kent W. Myers; Linda Perry; Julian P. Polvorosa; Mike Oliver, City Manager <br />