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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MEMORANDUM <br />CITY nF= r:nt,'nRO <br />V <br />DATE: May 3, 1995 <br />TO: Alice Calvert, City Clerk <br />FROM: Rob Caughell, Administrative Assistant <br />Engineering & Transportation Department <br />SUBJ: CANCEL TAXES @ VACANT PROPERTY CORNER AT WASHINGTON <br />AVE & HALCYON DR <br />APN: 77C-1240-12 & 13 (SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION CO) <br />Attached are closing statements and an executed Grant Deed for the above subject <br />property. Approximately 30 days from today, you should receive a copy of the recorded <br />Deed from the County Assessor. Upon receipt of this document, please inform the <br />County Tax Collector to cancel the property taxes. <br />Also, please send me a copy of the recorded Deed for my file. Call me at ext. 3432 if <br />you have any questions. <br />