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15Cti1 /-0-19afn d,-0 ) C, 4 a S—. <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />EXHIBIT A <br />95002597 <br />Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, <br />being a portion of Lot 18 of "Estudillo Park," as said lot is shown on the map <br />of said tract, filed January 31, 1911 in Book 26 of Maps, page 7, <br />Alameda County <br />Records, and a portion of that parcel ai lroad Company in sthe deed cribed nrecordedeOctober 12, <br />Holland to the Western Pacifward <br />ic R 121 and ending on Page 122, Alameda <br />1869, Book 49 of Deeds, beginning on page <br />County Records, more particularly described as�follows: <br />Parcel 1: <br />Commencing at the southeasternNcorner orth 42of22said West,Lot <br />o18 95;feet,�morelorglesse <br />northeastern line of said Lot 18 <br />to a point on a line drawn parallel with and 14 fe 56 et nfeet wide, formerlyaHolland <br />angles, from the northern line of Halcyon Drive, <br />Avenue, as said Avenue is shown on said map, last said point beingthe <br />et,POINe <br />OF BEGINNING of Parcel 1; thence along said parallel line, Westa,ra8-86 fe50 feet <br />or less, to a tangent curve, concave to the northeast, <br />and a central angle of 62°54134 �feetetoe a tangentaldinecu saed to gent line <br />northwesterly, a distance orat <br />being parallel with and 12 feet northeasterly, measured formerly Watkinsfrom the <br />northeastern line of Washington Avenue, 60 feet wide, <br />North <br />as said Street is shown on said map; thence alonointsofsinterline,aid parallel <br />section witha line <br />27° 44' West, 310.62 feet, more or less, to a p <br />from the <br />drawn parallel with <br />of and <br />3 feet <br />no ofhl andedeededetouthe Westred at ern Pacific angles, Railroad <br />southeastern lineparcel <br />Company. thence along last said parallel line, South 42° 22' East, 408.22 feet, <br />more or less, to a point of intersection with said parallel line 14 feet <br />n Dive; <br />northerly, measured at riht <br />West, 47 37 feet, morenorfrm said northern lieolessl t otherTRUE <br />thence along last said pa <br />POINT OF BEGINNING of Parcel 1. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 17,410 square feet, more or less. <br />_Parcel <br />aid Lot <br />the <br />Commencing at the southeastern corner of s18 95'feet n morelorglesse <br />northeastern line of said Lot 18, North 420 22' West, <br />to a point on a line drawn parallel with and 14 feet northerly, measured at Holland <br />angles, from the northern line of Halcyon Drive, 56 feet wide, <br />Avenue, as said Avenue is shown on said map; <br />thence along said parallel line, <br />West, 38.86 feet to a tangent of 62�° 16cave then�e alongthe rsaedscurvevwesterlydius <br />and <br />of 50 feet and a central angle <br />northwesterly, a distance of 54.34 feet to a tangent line, said tangentfrom the <br />being parallel with and 12 feet northeasterly, measured at formerly Wht atkins Street, <br />northeastern line of Washington Aventhence along let east said parallel line, North <br />as said Street 17 shown on said map; <br />27° 44' West, 171.98 feet, more or less, to a point of intersection with the <br />rn Pacific Railroad <br />southeastern line of said parcethe TRUE POINT OFdeeded f landoBEGINNING the eof Parcel 2; thence <br />Company, last said point being <br />along last said southeastern line, North 42° 22' West, 47.53 feet, more or less, <br />Page i of 2 <br />