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Deed - Washington Ave at Floresta Ave, NW corner - File 1217, 1988
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City Council
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Deed - Washington Ave at Floresta Ave, NW corner - File 1217, 1988
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10/4/2022 8:49:23 PM
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10/4/2022 8:49:05 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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89156963 <br />aforementioned gener [ortherr li;ie of Flores 3oulevard and <br />proceeding North 620 001 00" east along last said tangent line, <br />1.16 feet to a tangent curve, concave to the south, having a <br />radius of 400.00 feet; thence northeasterly and easterly along <br />last said curve, through a central angle of 270 42' 07"1, a <br />distance of 193.40 feet to a tangent line; thence north 89° 42' <br />07" east along last said tangent line, 41.47 feet to a tangent <br />curve concave to the northwest, having a radius of 42.00 feet; <br />thence easterly, northeasterly, northerly and northwesterly along <br />last said curve, through a central angle of 1170 49' 3711, a <br />distance of 86.37 feet to a tangent line, said tangent line <br />being parallel with and 12.00 feet southwesterly, measured at <br />right angles, from that portion of said line of Washington Avenue <br />described on said deed from Grastoke Nevada, Inc. as north 280 <br />07' 30" west 178.565 feet; thence north 28° 07' 30" west along <br />last said tangent line, 286.23 feet to a point on a nontangent <br />curve, concave to the southwest, having a radius of 32.00 feet, <br />last said curve being on the general southwest line of Chapman <br />Road as said road existed on April 7, 1988, a radial line of last <br />said curve to said point bears north 10° :33' 26" east; thence <br />easterly and southeasterly along last said curve, through a <br />central angle of 510 19' 0411, a distance of 28.66 feet to said <br />line of Washington Avenue; thence south 280 07' 30" east along <br />last said line, 243.54 feet to a tangent curve in said line of <br />Washington Avenue, concave to the southwest, having a radius of <br />112.00 feet; thence southeasterly along last said curve, through <br />a central angle of 50 19' 1711, a distance of 10.40 feet to the <br />BEGINNING. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 5,602 square feet, <br />more or less. <br />DATED: - <br />Assessor's%Nos: 77B-1163-8/6, 15, 16 <br />Attach. <br />Appropriate <br />Ackowledgement <br />2 <br />SAN LEANDRO GRASTOKE, LTD., a <br />limited partnership <br />BY: <br />BY: <br />Hendrie Associates, Ltd. <br />BY: Hendrie Investment Company, <br />general partner <br />e anie ^. �'ra <br />l <br />r <br />
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