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UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY <br />San Leandro, Alameda County, California <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />All that real property situate in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of <br />California, described as follows: <br />A portion of that certain Corporation Grant Deed filed in Reel 3928, Image 5, Serial <br />Number 75-44710, Alameda County Records, further described as follows: <br />Commencing at the most easterly corner of said deed (75-44710), said point of <br />commencement also being the True Point of Beginning for this description; thence from <br />said Point of Beginning along the southerly line of last said deed (75-44710), a bearing <br />taken for the purpose of this description, South 63'19'21" West, 22,04 feet to a point; <br />thence leaving last said southerly line North 26°40'39" West, 105.96 feet to a Point of <br />Curvature lying on the northeasterly line of last said deed (75-44710), said curve being <br />concave southwesterly, having a radius of 392.24 feet, a radial line to said point bears <br />South 43°38'32" West; thence southeasterly along last said easterly line along said curve <br />through a central angle of 15°51'36", an arc length of 108.58 feet to the Point of <br />Beginning. <br />Containing an area of 1,438.61 Square Feet (0.03 acres) more or less. <br />OFFICE OF REAL ESTATE <br />OMAHA, NEBRASKA <br />JCO o, 6925 <br />November 11, 2003 ,f <br />207235.1eg <br />•� 1 I 1 <br />'r <br />