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radial line to said curve bears North 83117'54" West; thence northerly along said <br />curve through a central angle of 11 1139'22", an arc length of 35.09 feet to a point <br />lying on the easterly line of said Parcel "A" of said Lot line adjustment (2000- <br />291686), last said easterly line also being the westerly line of "Westgate <br />Parkway"; thence along the easterly line of said Parcel "A" South 11 000'04" East, <br />177.22 feet to the Point of Beginning <br />Containing an area of 25,181 Square Feet (0.58 acres), more or less. <br />Attached hereto is a plat labeled "EXHIBIT B", hereby referred to and made a <br />part hereof. <br />PAProjects\2001 \01 097\Charlies Legal desc\WalmartAq Par.doc <br />