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EXHIBIT "A" <br />Legal Description <br />Real Property in the County of Alameda, State of California more particularly described below; <br />Being a portion of the land described in the Grant Deed recorded April 1, 1988 in Series No.88- <br />079792, Alameda County Records and more particularly described below; <br />Beginning at a point on the curve described in said grant deed having a radius of 32 feet and said <br />point bears S 371 13' 15"W from the radius of said arc and being 6.43 feet from the northerly <br />terminus of said arc <br />Thence along said 32 foot radius arc and southerly boundary line of the land described in said grant <br />deed a length of 14.22 feet, through a central angle of 25' 27'35"; <br />Thence leaving said arc and boundary line of the land described in said grant deed the following <br />courses; <br />N 3 l °25' 0l "E 3.44 feet; <br />Thence N58°34'59"W 14.00 feet; <br />Thence S31°25'01"W 5.14 feet to the point of beginning <br />As shown on the plat attached and made a part hereof; <br />Having an area of 67.5 square feet more or less <br />END DESCRIPTION <br />N <br />01.�5 �,U��CiyZ •9G1i <br />c 1Z `� 0 <br />a EX 121311 <br />�Q <br />s� is 7905 [Y <br />�rF of c A`WoP / r L <br />