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The Easement area'shall continue to be used for purposes that will not interfere with Grantee's <br />full enjoyment of the rights hereby granted, provided that neither Grantor, Grantee, nor their <br />assigns, and successors nor any other party or person, shall erect or construct any building or <br />other structure, or drill or operate any well, or construct any reservoir or other obstruction within <br />the Easement area, or diminish or substantially add to the ground cover in the Easement area, or <br />construct any fences that will interfere with the maintenance and operation of the facilities. <br />Grantee, and its agents, assigns, or successors, shall upon completion of any of its work restore, <br />as near as possible, the Easement area to its original condition, as is practicable, and repair any <br />damage it causes to Grantor's private roads or lanes on said easement, if any. <br />Grantor grants to Grantee the right to assign to a public utility as defined in Section 216 of the <br />California Public Utilities Code the right to install, inspect, maintain, replace, remove and use the <br />aforementioned utilities and facilities within the Easement. <br />3. Covenant RunningWith the Land; Binding on Successors. The Easement created <br />under this Easement Deed and each term, condition and covenant contained in this Easement <br />Deed constitutes a covenant running with the land and inures to the benefit of and is binding <br />upon the Parties and their respective successors and assigns, including, without limitation, all <br />subsequent owners of the Property burdened hereby or any portion thereof or interest therein. It <br />is the intent of the Parties that the Easement granted hereby and all agreements set forth herein <br />shall be "covenants running with the land" binding upon the Property. <br />4. No Barriers. Except as may be required under existing or future laws, codes, <br />rules or regulations, Grantor shall not construct or maintain any wall, fence or barrier of any kind <br />that impairs or impedes access to, or use of, the Easement or areas adjacent to the Easement. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed this Easement Deed as <br />20 J-� <br />GRANTOR: <br />By: <br />Kuong H. Cheong <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />Of <br />�— <br />