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R 92413/323 + VIII + 4/2; ' <br />v <br />1955, <br />THIS INDENTURE,, made this day of , <br />by and between SOUTHE11 PH'.CIFIC COMPANY, a corporation of the <br />State of Delaware, herein called "Railroad" and CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, <br />a municipal corporation of the State of California, herein called <br />ft City"; <br />Z ",-,I () <br />WITNESSETH: <br />Railroad hereby grants to City (subject to the reservations and <br />conditions herein contained) the right to construct, reconstruct, <br />maintain and use a street upon that certain piece or parcel of land <br />situate, lying and being in the City of San Leandro, County of <br />Alameda, State of California, being a portion of the land described <br />in deed dated November 15, 1951 from Alameda County-�ast Bay Title <br />Insurance Company to Southern Pacific Company, recorded November 20, <br />1951 in Book 6592, Page 3, Official Records of Alameda County, and <br />described as follows: <br />BECTINNING at the most westerly corner of that <br />certain 2.985 acre parcel of land described as Parcel 3 <br />in said deed; thence South 2$° 13' 56" East along the <br />southwesterly line of said 2.985 acre parcel of land, <br />2169.44 feet (bearing and distance shown as South 27° <br />30' East 2167.20 feet in said deed) to the most southerly <br />corner thereof, said corner being on the northwesterly <br />line of Tract 1507; thence North 61° 51' 251' East along <br />the southeasterly line of said 2.985 acre parcel and the <br />northeasterly prolongation thereof, (bearing of said south- <br />easterly line shown as North 62° 30' East in said deed) <br />being also along said northwesterly line of said Tract 1507, <br />a distance of 74.28 feet to the northeasterly line of <br />Alvarado Street in said tract; thence North 2$° 44' 23" <br />,vest 709.44 feet to a point in the southeasterly prolongation <br />of a line parallel with and distant 8.00 feet northeasterly, <br />measured at right angles, from the southwesterly line of <br />that certain 44.39 acre parcel of land described as Parcel 1 <br />in said deed; thence North 2$0 13' 56" L'V:est along last said <br />prolongation and said parallelline (last said southwesterly <br />line shown as having a bearing of North 271° 1r,_1est in said <br />deed) 1460.00 feet to a point in the northwesterly line of <br />said Parcel 1 as described in said deed- thence South 61° <br />531 1$" Vest (bearing shown as South 622° Guest in said deed) <br />along said northwesterly line of said Parcel 1, a distance <br />of 8.00 feet to the most westerly corner of said Parcel 12 <br />being also the most northerly corner of said 2.985 acre <br />parcel of land; thence North 2$0 13' 56T, '.;'est along the <br />northwesterly prolongation of the northeasterly line of <br />said 2.985 acre parcel of land (said northeasterly line <br />shown as having a bearing of North 27° 30' yiest in said <br />deed) 30.00 feet to a point in the northwesterly line of <br />land_ described as Parcel 5 in said deed; thence South 61° <br />53' 18" jest along last said northwesterly line, 60.00 feet <br />to the most westerly corner of said Parcel 5; thence uouth <br />28° 13' 56" Last along the southwesterly line of said <br />Parcel 5 (bearing shown as South 270 30' Last in said deed) <br />a distance of 30.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing <br />an area of 3.479 acres, more or less. <br />- 1 - <br />