Retur to:
<br />City Uerk City ,Hal l RE:1650 I M: 31�7
<br />L San eandro, Calif. AX162364
<br />a
<br />D E-E D
<br />F. W. VALLEY and GLADYS VALLEY, his wife, hereby GRANT to
<br />the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation, all that
<br />real property situated in the City of San Leandro, County
<br />of Alameda, State of California, described as follows:
<br />PORTION of the 66.20 acre tract
<br />of land described as Parcel 4 in the deed by Mary Stenzel,
<br />et al, to F. Stenzel F:rms, Inc., dated April 22, 1926,
<br />recorded May 13, 1926 in book 1250 of Official Records of
<br />Alameda County, page 461, (W/42107) described as follows:
<br />BEGINNING at a point on the south-
<br />western line of Alvarado Street, as said line of Alvarado
<br />Street was established on June 6, 1955, under Recorder's
<br />Series No. AK/60166, Alameda County Records, distant thereon
<br />south 270 461 30" east 29.94 feet from the northwestern line
<br />of said 66.20 acre tract (the northwestern line of said
<br />66.20 acre tract being the southeastern line of Aladdin
<br />Avenue, as said avenue was established by deed to City of
<br />San Leandro, dated December 23, 1957, recorded January 21,
<br />1958 in book 8574 of Official Records of Alameda County,
<br />page 227, Series No. AP/6506); running thence along said
<br />line of Alvarado Street, north 270 461 30" west 29.94 feet
<br />to said line of Aladdin Avenue; thence along the last named
<br />line, south 62e 20, 44" west 29.94 feet; thence southeasterly,
<br />on a curve to the right with a radius of 30 feet, a distance
<br />of 47.06 feet to the point of beginning.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been executed this
<br />�.L{ I
<br />day of1965.
<br />CITY OF SA(' LFW34
<br />At 12 j NOV 24 1965
<br />JACK (G RLU
<br />Recorder, Alameda County, CaIlL
<br />�L
<br />This document is executed and delivered for the sole purpose
<br />of correcting the description in the deed by F. W,,Valley and
<br />Gladys Valley to City of San Leandro, dated June 16, 1958,
<br />recorded June 18, 1958 in book 8700 of Official Records of
<br />Alameda County, page 63, (AP/59613).
<br />