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STATE OF CALIFORNIA, <br />_ ss. <br />.........--• ........................County of ....... -.............................................. <br />On this ............ 26.tb ............ day o£... JLlAY........... _ the year one thousand nine hundred and ...... 5_Uly.-IlVe................ <br />�' r ...........................a Notary Public in and for said County and State, residing therein <br />before me . ......................... ..._..................._.................... <br />duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared...................................................................._............................................__...........known to me to be <br />the duly authorized Attorney -in -Fact of PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY, and the same person whose <br />name is subscribed to the within instrument as the Attorney -in -Fact of said Company, and the said <br />................................ .................................................... Acknowledged to me <br />that he subscribed the name of PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY, thereto as surety and his own name <br />as Attorney -in -Fact. <br />IN WITNESS WHERE F, I have hereunto t my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year <br />in this Certificate first abov written. <br />............................................ ......................................... _........................... <br />.............. <br />Notary Public in and for......................................County of.:_ ............................................ State of California. <br />Form G1000 Rev. D 15M 564 <br />- t - <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA, <br />-----•••••..... •.. ----Count of ......................_ _ _ __ _ ..- •- _....... � <br />On this ........ ......... ,. .......... —day of- •-.-_-_.-••-----.:._.._______ .__,_ ...._... in the year one, thousandlnine hundred and.-.-�41L ,�� .C2•--! <br />before me, ... -_........................... �.� F'�........ -----....... ..... --------- a Notary Public, <br />State of Calif r ia, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ._.... - ........ _.... _...... -_.._... <br />known to me to be the person --whose name _.-_ ...................subscribed to the within instrument, <br />and acknowledged to me that- ,1 .hel-l-executed the same. <br />IN WITNESS THEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal <br />in the .-...... /..................... ...... - .... _........ the day and <br />year in this certificate first above written. <br />_. ........................... --................................... -........ <br />.....rr �_... <br />Notary Public, State of California. <br />Cowdery's Form No. 34—(Acknowledgment—General) (C. C. Sec. 1189) My Cmnmission Expires <br />�'--....----...... --• PRINTED 11/1 /63 <br />