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Easement - Lake Chabot Rd - File 727E, 1969 pt1
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Easement - Lake Chabot Rd - File 727E, 1969 pt1
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10/11/2022 3:00:06 PM
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10/11/2022 2:59:23 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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RE:2468 I M: 64 <br />Commencing at the northeastern corner of said Parcel II; <br />thence along the northwestern line of said Parcel II, south <br />40' 59' 35" west 16.09 feet to the centerline of said <br />15 foot wide strip of land, being the Actual Point of <br />Beginning; thence along said centerline north 49' 00' 25" <br />west 22.29 feet; thence north 37' 18' 52" west 101.42 feet; <br />thence north 18' 36' 17" west 76.70 feet to a tangent curve <br />concave to the southwest, having a radius of 620 feet, and <br />a central angle of 12' 29' 22"; thence along said curve, <br />northwesterly 135.15 feet to a tangent line; thence along <br />said tangent line, north 31° 05' 39" west 144.50 feet to <br />the northwestern terminus of said Parcel III. <br />PARCEL IV <br />A strip of land 30 feet wide, the centerline of said strip <br />being described as follows: <br />Beginning at the northwestern terminus of said centerline of <br />Parcel III; thence north 31' 05' 39" west 160 feet, more or <br />less, to the centerline of San Leandro Creek, being the <br />northwestern terminus of said Parcel IV. <br />The above -described parcels of land contain 16,272 square <br />feet, more or less. <br />DAVID J. RUST and EDLOE B. RUST, his wife,further grant, sell and convey <br />to the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO all right, title and interest which they may have <br />in that storm drain and appurtenances thereto now existing within the property <br />above described. <br />Dated: (CJ <br />Da . R st <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) <br />) ss. <br />COUNTY OF ALANEDA ) <br />Edloe B. Rust <br />69- 97317 <br />1969 <br />On JTâ 1 V 10 $, before me John A. Deadrich III , <br />a Notary Public in and for the County of Alameda, State of California, personally <br />appeared DAVID J. RUST and EDLOE B. RUST, his wife, known to me to be the persons <br />whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that they <br />executed the same. <br />â' OFFICIAL SEAL <br />:,DEADRICH IIi, <br />-> NOTARY PUBLIC, CALIFORNIA <br />` PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN <br />°'' ALAMEDA COUNTY 1971 <br />My Commission Expires December 17, â 2 â <br />
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