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RE1841 I .114 - <br />of that course described as "N. 27*42138" W., 38.39 feet" in <br />PARCEL 2 of Deed No. 21661 to the State of California, recorded <br />April 13, 1962, on Reel 559, Image 742, Official Records of <br />Alameda County. <br />EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion of the above -described <br />parcel of land lying northerly of the westerly prolongation of <br />the northerly line of PARCEL 1 described above. <br />CONTAINING 8,769 square feet, more or less. <br />EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto the State of California <br />any and all rights of ingress to or egress from the easement <br />herein conveyed over and across the entire line described above. <br />It is the purpose of the foregoing exception and <br />reservation to provide that no easement of access shall attach <br />or be appurtenant to the easement hereby conveyed, by reason of <br />the fact that the same abuts upon a State highway. <br />PARCEL 3 : <br />All of that 431 square -foot parcel of land described in <br />Deed No. 21660 to the State of California, recorded April 13, 1962, <br />on Reel 560, Image 30, Official Records of Alameda County, and all <br />of those parcels of land described as PARCEL 2 in the following <br />deeds to the State of California: <br />Deed No. Recorded <br />21661 April 13, 1962 <br />Reel Image Area <br />559 <br />21630 April 23, 1962 565 <br />21566 September 7, 1962 672 <br />742 867 <br />878 goo <br />761 903 <br />21565 April 17, 1962 562 98 1765 <br />all of Official Records of the County of Alameda. <br />CONTAINING a total of 4,866 square feet, more or less. <br />EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto the State of California any <br />and all rights of ingress to or egress from the easement herein <br />conveyed over and across the southwesterly line thereof, not <br />including that portion of said southwesterly line which is also <br />the northeasterly line of that parcel of land described in the <br />deed to State of California recorded October 25, 1938 in <br />Volume 3706, Page 73, Official Records of Alameda County. <br />It is the purpose of the foregoing exception and <br />reservation to provide that no easement of access shall attach or <br />be appurtenant to the easement hereby conveyed, by reason of the <br />fact that the same abuts upon a State highway. <br />