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Easement - MacArthur Freeway drainage easement - File 836E, 1966 pt1
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Easement - MacArthur Freeway drainage easement - File 836E, 1966 pt1
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10/11/2022 3:01:06 PM
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10/11/2022 3:00:06 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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BE:1841 IM:116 <br />CODS ENCING at a point on the southwesterly line of said <br />parcel (Reel 487 OR Image 308), distant thereon S. 47039'07" E., <br />8.39 feet from the westerly corner of last said parcel; thence <br />(1) N. 42020'53" E., 14.43 feet; thence (2) along a tangent curve <br />to the right with a radius of 130.00 feet, through an angle of <br />48*49112", an arc length of 110.77 feet; thence (3) from a tangent <br />that bears N. 12022130" W., along a curve to the right with a <br />radius of 2517.00 feet through an angle of 0052,45", an arc length <br />of 38.62 feet to the southwesterly corner of said PARCEL 2B <br />(Reel 1216 OR Image 174); thence (4) along the westerly line of <br />last said parcel from a tangent that bears N. 11029,45" W., along <br />a curve to the right with a radius of 2517.00 feet, through an angle <br />of 3*16120", an arc length of 143.75 feet to the northwesterly corner <br />of last said parcel; thence (5) along the northerly continuation of <br />last said 2517.00 foot radius curve through an angle of 2022'52", an <br />arc length of 104.60 feet; thence (6) N. 5050'33" W., 81.14 feet to <br />the southwesterly corner of said PARCEL 2 (Reel 671 OF, Image 223); <br />thence (7) along the westerly line of last said parcel <br />N. 5050'33" W., 101.23 feet to the westerly line of that parcel of <br />land described as PARCEL No. 4 in said Document (3136 OR 15); thence <br />�8 along last said line N. 11017'53" W 115.82 feet; thence <br />9 from a tangent that bears N. 31039124" E., along a curve to the <br />left with a radius of 386.00 feet, through an angle of 1032'50", an <br />arc length of 10.42 feet; thence (10) N. 78042'07" E., 8.00 feet to <br />a line parallel with and distant 15.00 feet easterly, measured at <br />right angles from the above courses numbered (3) through (8) inclusive; <br />thence along said parallel line the followinv courses; <br />(11) S. 11017153" E., 124.27 feet, (12) S. 5050'33" E., 183.08 feet, <br />and (13) along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of <br />2502.00 feet, through an angle of 7000105", an arc length of <br />305.74 feet; thence (14 ) S. 77011' 180 [11. , 8.00 feet; thence <br />(15) from a tangent that bears N. 71 03 58 W., along a curve to the <br />left with a radius of 100.00 feet, through an angle of 66 35 09 , an <br />arc length of 116.21 feet; thence (16) S. 42°20'53" W., 14.43 feet to <br />said southwesterly line of said parcel (Reel 487 OR Image 308); <br />thence (17) along last said line N. 4703910711 5.00 feet to the <br />point of commencement. <br />CONTAINING a net area of 10,173 square feet, more or less. <br />EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto the State of California any and <br />all rights of ingress to or egress from the easement herein <br />conveyed over and across the courses described above numbered <br />(9) through (16), inclusive. <br />It is the purpose of the foregoing exception and reservation <br />to provide that no easement of access shall attach or be appurtenant <br />to the easement hereby conveyed, by reason of the fact that the <br />same abuts upon a public way and upon a State highway, with access <br />only to the State highway being restricted. <br />AY108144 <br />
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