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To The Honorable Cit, Icil <br />City of San Leandro <br />June 16, 1977 <br />Page 2 <br />4. In providing access to the proposed 192 acre Oyster Bay Regional Park, <br />it eliminates the necessity for all traffic thereto to pass through <br />the Mulford Gardens residential neighborhood. <br />PROPOSED ROUTE: <br />The route selected is intended to be the most cost effective, to minimize <br />damage to remainder properties, and to equally divide the loss of property required <br />for the street between the two remainder properties involved. The alignment also <br />provides an optimum location and configuration for the proposed East Bay Dischargers' <br />Bay Outfall sewer line which will be constructed within a proposed right of way. <br />The proposed alignment substantially follows the property lines common to <br />Oakland Scavenger Company and the Hohener Meat Company. Areas of land taken from <br />each are substantially equal. The route will sever portions of both properties <br />separating to small remainders from the main Oakland Scavenger property of minor <br />future utility, and a separate remainder from the Hohener Meat Company property, <br />but of sufficient size to permit future uses independent of the major Hohener owner- <br />ship. <br />Any alternate location, either north or south, would dimish the impact on one <br />property at the expense of the other. For example, if the alignment were farther <br />east, it would impair the Hohener Meat Company operation, and if located farther <br />west, would impair the present Bay City Paper Stock Company operation and the pro- <br />posed Oakland Scavenger Transfer Station. If the route were located westerly to <br />skirt the proposed transfer station, it would pass through the Oakland Scavenger <br />Dump and entail considerable construction and maintenance problems and require the <br />extension of Davis Street, which would result in more cost and at less benefit to <br />abutting properties than at proposed locations. Any alternate route to the east <br />would more seriously sever the Hohener Meat Company property and at less ultimate <br />benefit to the remaining properties. <br />TIMING: <br />Acquisition without immediate construction, is proposed now to primarily <br />benefit construction of the East Bay Dischargers' sewer. The State and Federal <br />Clean Water Grant Construction Program Schedule requires construction of the <br />sewer within the next year, and right of way must be secured before September <br />30, 1977. It is, therefore, appropriate to acquire the complete street right of <br />way by the City in cooperation with East Bay Dischargers, than to satsify <br />each agency's needs separately. Certain legal controls gained by this procedure <br />will also inure to the City's benefit. <br />Roadway improvements will proceed as abutting properties develop according <br />to the City policy outline in its resolution establishing the Master Plan of City <br />Streets. The unimproved dedicated portion within Tract 3236 will be constructed <br />by the developers of that tract at their expense, according to the subdivision <br />agreement therefor. The remaining portion between Tract 3236 and Davis Street <br />will be constructed at the time of development of the abutting properties created <br />by the street, with the cost being divided between those properties with half <br />the cost of the street improvements being assessed to the abutting properties <br />as they respectively abut on to it; and at the time that they develop those <br />