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DECIARATION OF POSTING <br />ct- -c-,;; � ! � i - <br />RECEIVED <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />U11 i .' JU/-, <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) RICHARD H. WEST <br />ss . - CITY CLERK <br />COUNTY OF AIMEDA ) <br />?U ');-E-N , declares as follows: <br />That he is now and at all times mentioned was an employee <br />in the Public Works Department, City of San Leandro, County of <br />Alameda, California; <br />That on rt)A)t-- )9-) ig97 , he, under the direction <br />of the Public Works Director of the City of San Leandro, <br />personally posted conspicuously along the line of the proposed <br />extension of Neptune Drive southerly of Davis Street notices <br />of intent to file a negative declaration, one of which notices <br />similar to the notices posted as aforesaid, is annexed hereto <br />and made a part hereof: <br />That he personally posted said notices at locations and <br />elevations such that they would attract the attention of passers- <br />by and be easily readable: that all of said notices were posted <br />less than 300 feet in distance apart from each other and that not <br />less than three of said notices in all were posted; <br />That he completed all of the posting of said notices on <br />J )''UF /') and thereafter made this declaration and <br />filed it with the Clerk of the City of San Leandro. <br />I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is <br />true and correct. <br />c <br />-n m) r- 19 /'_179 <br />Date <br />